Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are incredibly thin, and generally produce a minimal amount of discomfort upon insertion. Most people report a momentary “bug bite” sensation that quickly fades into a dull, heavy, or tingling sensation at the needle site. Most needle insertions are extremely shallow, entering the skin only fractions of an inch. We use only pre-sterilized, single-use disposal stainless steel needles. There are no chemical, analgesic, or medicinal substances on the needles at all – the simple presence of the needle itself is enough to stimulate the body’s natural response and trigger its innate healing mechanisms.
How long will it take to start feeling better?
This also varies on a case-by-case basis. For some, especially with pain issues, the results of treatment can begin during, or immediately following the first treatment. In other cases, often with longstanding or physiological issues, the changes may only be minor at first, but will increase over time with further treatments as the body gradually modifies its function and establishes new, healthier patterns.
How long will it take to resolve my health challenges?
This is relative to each individual case. While some patients may find relief from three to four treatments, most patients require more to make significant changes. Further follow up treatments may also be necessary to consolidate the improvements and prevent relapse. While acute conditions may resolve within just a few visits, chronic conditions that have been present for a long time may take many treatments over a longer time period to completely resolve.
What can I expect during treatment?
I primarily use systems of acupuncture that emphasize the areas between the elbows to the fingertips, and between the knees and toes. There is, therefore, rarely any need to disrobe. Once the needles are inserted, most patients report a deep sense of relaxation and wellbeing. Many patients fall asleep and feel uniquely rested and alert afterward. Often, patients will report tingling sensations as the body regulates its function.
Will my insurance cover it?
This varies according to your insurance company and individual plan. While several insurance companies have begun covering acupuncture treatments, others only offer coverage on a limited basis, or do not yet offer coverage. However, there is always a good chance that you may have at least some coverage, so please bring your insurance information with you and I can check to see what your plan offers.